Data Science

Data Science Training Centre in Abuja

  • Instructor
    Neo Cloud Certified Instructor
Average Rating: 5.0
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Reviews: 400

Data Science has been mentioned in various contexts for the past thirty years, but it is only recently that it became internationally established and recognized. More recently, the term became a buzzword when Harvard Business Review called it “The Sexiest Job of the 21st Century” in 2012.Every company will say they’re doing a form of data science, but what exactly does that mean? The field is growing so rapidly, and revolutionizing so many industries, it's difficult to fence in its capabilities with a formal definition, but generally data science is devoted to the extraction of clean information from raw data for the formulation of actionable insights. Commonly referred to as the “oil of the 21st century," our digital data carries the most importance in the field. It has incalculable benefits in information technology sector, oil and gas, Health care, Financial, Agricultural, Governments, Research and our everyday lives. Your route to work, your most recent Google search for the nearest pitzza, shawama shop, your Instagram post about what you ate, and even the health data from your fitness tracker are all important to different data scientists in different ways. Sifting through massive lakes of data, looking for connections and patterns, data science is responsible for bringing us new products, delivering breakthrough insights and making our lives more convenient.


Introduction to Matematics of data
Algorithmic Knowledge
Programming in Data Science(Python/R)
Proper programing Environment(IDE)
Machine Learning Frame work
Analysis and Project Presentation

Every company will say they’re doing a form of data science, but what exactly does that mean? The field is growing so rapidly, and revolutionizing so many industries, it's difficult to fence in its capabilities with a formal definition, but generally data science is devoted to the extraction of clean information from raw data for the formulation of actionable insights.

Class Strength:
5 - 10 Students Per class
Course Duration:
24 Weeks
Mondays - Wednessdays - Fridays
Time :
9am - 12noon(Morning), 1pm - 4pm(Afternoon)
Certified Neo Cloud Technology Faculties